Say hello to Komodo, the school-wide wellbeing solution.

With a mission to make school a place where all students thrive, we are revolutionizing the educational landscape by prioritizing the holistic development of students and educators alike. 

At the core of Komodo Wellbeing lies evidence-based, comprehensive software designed to address the diverse needs of school communities around the world.  Our solution seamlessly integrates wellbeing measurement, mental health initiatives, social-emotional learning, and mindfulness practices into the daily fabric of school life. 

Created with input from psychologists Komodo is designed to empower students and enable schools to make positive and effective interventions.  Our unique product features include custom-built surveys with questions developed by psychologists, an intelligent automated check-in system, cohort and individual analytics, access to a dedicated customer support manager and regular data review sessions. 

The platform is available via mobile and web apps and is designed for easy access with SMS/SIS integration and SSO and QR login functionalities.  With a focus on wraparound resources, support and education, Komodo goes beyond crisis management and instead enables a proactive and preventive approach to mental health and wellbeing in schools.

click here for a no obligation quote Click here to go to the Komodo website click here for a free trial


Komodo works with schools in 20 countries worldwide!

We’ve distributed over 450,000 wellbeing surveys in the past year!

Our surveys have helped facilitate over 2,500 student-requested check-ins and over 9,000 Komodo-recommended check-ins.

Our student wellbeing feed comment function has been used over 26,000 times since November 2022.

Free downloadable classroom wellbeing resources:

Spotlight on Neurodiversity

The Wellbeing Framework for your student’s needs:
A free roadmap for educators:

Creating an inclusive classroom:


We are thrilled to be partnering with Louise, as we share the same philosophy that prioritizing wellbeing is essential for all schools. Positive wellbeing allows our students, staff, and schools to excel in every aspect of their lives, whether it is in academics, co-curricular activities, sports, or becoming well-rounded individuals.
We are excited to work with Louise to promote top-quality wellbeing support by utilizing a data-driven approach in schools worldwide, particularly in the Middle East.

To learn more about Komodo feel free to get in touch with Louise at

Alternatively, you can contact Chris Bacon directly with no obligation:


Connect with Komodo’s Socials by clicking below.

Click here to go to the Komodo website