What is Parent Advocacy?

As a parent, the inclusion journey can be simple and you may breeze the whole process. For many of us the process is full of complications.  Acronyms whizz by……IEP, ISA, LSA, TA…..and we feel silly if we have to stop every meeting to ask for explanation.

So many questions are raised by parents:

  • What is a realistic expectation for my child?
  • What is a realistic expectation from the school?
  • Why are there so many assessments?
  • Why do I need occupational therapy when you previously wanted speech and language therapy?
  • What are my rights?
  • and many many more….

Sometimes it would be nice to have an experienced, qualified and impartial person with us to help navigate the systems.  Call me to discuss what you need on a one-off, short term or long term basis – even if you don’t know what you need.