Pastoral, Behaviour and Well Being

Check our new page under ‘Resources’ Pastoral, Behaviour & Well Being Support.

Fantastic, unaffiliated, contacts with tried and tested providers of support in Well Being, Bullying, Cyber Bullying and Positive Handling.

Inclusion is not just special needs or students of determination.

Let’s talk bullying – it happens to all of us!

Are you seeing an increase in bullying; either face to face or online?
Are you in the UAE?
Is the harmer actually the harmed?
Can the harmed overcome the challenge and have a well developed character?
Does your setting need methods to track and monitor well being?
Does your setting need support with deescalating anger and behaviours?
Are you interested in a whole school approach which upskills students, parents and staff to ensure holistic well being support.

Connect with the following people who may just have the solutions you are looking for:

Dominic Bennett Aspire
Sebastian (Seb) Bates Warrior Academy
Barry Lee Cummings Beat the Cyber Bully
Gerard O’Dea Dynamis Training and Insight

All tried and tested but not affiliated
(no gain from recommendations other than helping children)

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