Training and Qualifications

Please follow me on Linked In for more regular updates.

In the UAE, there are many opportunities to learn from our peers.  There are some fabulous facebook groups, and more informal groups, where support and guidance can be offered.

There are some training events both face to face, online and through conferences regularly through the year.

You can attend coffee mornings and social groups who support parents, teachers and inclusion leaders.

For more formal qualifications, please refer to the options list below.

Please do get in contact for more advice, mentoring or coaching.

UAE Teachers Community
Dubai Teachers
Inclusion and SEN Resource Community
UK: Sensible SENCo
UAE People of Determination Support


Outstanding Schools

Training Companies in UAE
Infinite Learning

Online and face to face training opportunities
Contact me for bespoke training of additional adults, assistants, teachers, SENCos and leaders.

British University Dubai (Special and Inclusive Education)
nasen List of Providers for NASENCo

British Council