Next Steps is born….

I have been a little more quiet than usual, but I am now back!

As schools close for the summer, I am thrilled to launch a new project, Next Steps!

Next Steps is a skills development centre with 9 themed rooms.  The above is themed around a dining room.  A great, comfortable space to learn sharing skills or taking turns with Ludo or Monopoly, learning to play Chess or writing up an essay.  Our other rooms are styled around lounges, a garden, a library, a majlis, and a home office.  We also have a larger training / conference room for adults.  We will primarily be offering 1:1 specialised training to meet the needs of children who may be transitioning through Dubai, home-schooled, excluded, or who are just struggling too much with traditional schooling.

If your little one needs support with fine motor, gross motor, handwriting, reading, spelling or subjects like Arabic A or B, let us know.  If yours or your child’s need are not listed just get in touch – we will find the tutor to match.

If you are an adult and can not find the course to suit you – just let us know.

If you are a parent and don’t know where to turn, then talk to us.  We may not have the answer but we know plenty of people who will.

Keep your eyes peeled for learning support training, SENCo training, teacher training, first aid, social and emotional coaching, customer services and much much more …… coming soon.

Follow us on socials @louiseinclusion or @nextsteps-ae.

You can book a tour through the Website by clicking on this link

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