
Learning Support for Temporary Exclusion

  • Has your child had a tough day at school?
  • Have they been given ‘time out’ to refocus?
  • Do you need to work but they can’t stay home alone?

What is Learning Support for Temporary Exclusion

For Schools:
If you have a parent that is struggling to support a student that has received a temporary exclusion from school, then please let them know that we are here and that we can help them on their journey.

For Parents:

As a parent, if your child makes a mistake in the school system, often a school does not have the resources to support them.

As parents, we may be working full time, in positions where taking a day off is a struggle.  We may have adults maids at home, we may not.  So then what do you do with your child.

Let us help!


We offer:

  • short term support – one day at a time
  • face to face in our Centre in Arjan
  • 9am to 2pm (longer can be negotiated)
  • to keep them learning and on task
  • to connect with school and receive/complete learning
  • to talk them through the challenges
  • to help them understand
  • to help them take responsibility
  • to help them reset and restore relationships
  • we can also support if they need longer term support

So many questions may be raised by parents:

Sometimes it would be nice to have an experienced, qualified and impartial person with us to help navigate the systems.  

Someone who has been a parent, an educator, a qualified school leader and has in depth knowledge of education in the UAE.

Call me to discuss what you need on a one-off, short term or long term basis – even if you don’t know what you need.

We partner with children, parents, schools and businesses to make the journey less complicated. 

Come and savour a drink with us for ethical, knowledgeable, and accurate support.

Exclusion support is 1,200 Aed per day for a maximum of three days.
If the requirement is for longer we have less expensive opportunities.

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