Question 1 – What are your roles and responsibilities? How are you developing your role as coordinator?
Question 2 – Discuss and list all the ways that you are identifying G&T students.
Question 3 – What provision and events do you provide to enrich your students?
Question 4 – How are you celebrating and recognising success?
Question 5 – What are your favourite resources / websites?
Question 1 – What are your roles and responsibilities? How are you developing your role as coordinator?
- Some heads of Inclusion are responsible
- QFT for everyone
- Some have specific leaders – more time to focus on provisions.
- Each student in the top 1% has a mentor from SLT.
- Identification, especially underachievers.
- Maintaining the register.
- Supporting staff with in-class provision.
- Looking out at what happens in the classroom. ECAs – example Tournament of Minds.
- Primary Secondary G&T leaders & teachers (Government schools and Private).
- Developing pupil passports – 1 page – user-friendly.
- Events are in place but developing the day-to-day implementation.
- CAT Scores 126-130, 1 or all areas.
- Parent relationships – do parents know about sustainability? If CAT-4 grades drop?
- Accelerated progress can come in areas. Coordination of MA as well as MAGT.
- Identification of criteria to select gifted and talented students. Focus on Talent too.
- Clarification on school definitions of G, T, MA.
- Need for more screening tools – heavy on CAT4, Triangulation is needed. School’s commitment to inclusion.
- Financial Implications. Specialists’ involvement. School culture. In-class provisions. Pull-out sessions.
- Data flags. Internal Assessments. Checklist – data analyst.
- Pupil passports: Targets need only academics. School Counsellor. Social skills groups.
- Split Core and non-core roles – one leader of each Maths, English, Science, Specialist Subjects. Time limitations: Individual snapshots/passports.
- Lack of knowledge in all subjects as a leader for talent.
- Particular weaknesses and strengths – catering to individual needs. Focus on developing challenges in the classroom.
- Inclusion Head- Gifted and Talented Coordinator – Primary.
- Gifted and Talented Coordinator- Secondary.
- Stretch and challenges in core subjects.
- Finalise lists and form a consistent criteria.
- Complete checklists for MAT FS-Y6
- Extra events limits with careers and university
- Parent workshops LA MDA and F1 Run ECAs Offer mention for talented Students Tier system, 1,2,3.
- Delve deeper into the register and 1:1 interview students.
Question 2 – Discuss and list all the ways that you are identifying G&T students.
- Admissions (Parents). CAT4, assessment evidence IQ Test. Formative/summative assessment.
- Characteristics in class. KHDA.
- Nomination forms (staff). Specialist teacher nominations.
- GL Data.
- Renzulli Scale.
- Parent REC.
- Teacher observations. Checklists for the Art and sports. PTs.
- Ongoing TA – EOT data, etc. Teacher Nomination referral.
- Parent Nomination referral.
- National/Regional External Squads, etc. Trackers.
- Pupil voice.
- Gates, Baselines. CAT 4 Score, PASS – attend at least two students – 130.
- Identification questionnaire for teachers.
- Ways that we can identify as well are by specific checklist, teacher engagement, gathering evidence, and teacher observation.
- Teachers’ accountability – something ready if they finish (project-based).
- Identification on observation – G & T section to address how they can be stretched.
- PASS Data. Mentorship – short meeting.
- Talented leads sets targets, adds data, etc. Checklists. Triangulation.
- Parent referrals.
- Reachouts – calls home – children with well-being issues.
- Quality First Teaching – challenge within class.
- Needs can be met in the classroom.
- Fine line between Higher ability/Gifted and Talented.
- Grade 3 uploads.
- CAT4 – 127 mean
- 2 batteries and above.
- Checklist and teachers will register exceptional circumstances.
- Nominate students.
Question 3 – What provision and events do you provide to enrich your students?
- Cluster events (Example GEMS).
- Breakfast club to challenge.
- TOM – Tournament of Minds. Field Trips.
- Emirates Super League – Maths.
- MUN.
- Sustainability Club – Extended form time – Friday.
- HPL schools.
- Space and Rocketry Academy.
- Mini Enrichment League.
- Cluster-Wide Events.
- Performance and Enrichment lessons to extend learning outside of the classroom.
- Junior Duke of Edinburgh.
- Action Plans.
- Extensions in class. Collaboration between HRTs and Inclusion team. PASS.
- Small group.
- TEDX Event at schools.
- Competitions. Short/long-term challenges -> Topic – presentations about the given scenarios.
- STEM, ART/engineering challenges.
- Pull-out sessions with groups of students: Wave 1, Wave 2 – Pull-out sessions and Wave 3 – International competition.
- Enrichment weekly – out-of-class intervention.
- Dubai Mini Enrichment League – Rachel at Hartland sends a List of opportunities.
- Art one/class one – useful to keep an eye on it.
- JPS – CSI crime scene/clues – scientific, investigative. Free events. Golden bunsen, Dofe, Flin schools, Abu Dhabi computing competition, Babras, Monitoring in secondary.
- World Scholars cup
- Subject leads.
- Workshops- ALex at Horizon- 5 students.
- Budget.
- UkMT Maths Challenge
- Science week
- Parent workshops.
- F1 in schools
- Olympiad
Question 4 – How are you celebrating and recognising success?
- Sensitive matter – parental reactions.
- In-school “in-house” identification.
- Very subjective – Ed Psych report.
- More and exceptionally able to – High potential.
- KHDA prefers Gifted and Talented.
- Remove the Stigma.
- EOY celebrations, celebration assemblies.
- Curriculum heads.
- Assemblies.
- Newsletter.
- MUN/Diplomathon/Inter-school competitions.
- Tournament of Minds CCA. Certificates. Assemblies.
- Class share/wear medals.
- Artist of the month – not just talented.
- Weekly news – parent newsletter.
- ‘Be amazing Padlet’ – share things they have done outside of the school.
- A record of achievement.
- Individual padlet.
- Social Media.
- Dubai Opera.
- International Chess players had 6 months to showcase talents. Exhibitions, assemblies, newsletters, Passion projects.
- Leadership opportunities.
- Send students to community events such as Dubai opera.
- International Chess players had 6 months to showcase talents.
- Solos concerts.
Question 5 – What are your favourite resources / websites?
- Renzulli website/package.
- Shark Tank.
- I excel platforms.
- Online platforms (Renzulli).
- Century Teh (AI).
- Arabic/Islamic External competitions.
- Lit Fest. EXPO.
- NACE Website – paid.
- Dubai Mini Enrichment League. Super Curriculum.
- Bright Online.
- Howards Future.
- Asset Talent Search (above Grade 8).
- Invite Cambridge Lectures.
- COP 28.
- Super Curriculum.