I would like to introduce you to Andy Salmon, the creator of Sir Linkalot, a fun and innovative award-winning app (Best Educational App – BETT2020, the world’s leading edtech expo) that is transforming how English spellings are taught, especially the tricky words on the UK government’s list that children need to commit to memory, all the way from ‘was’ to ‘onomatopoeia’.

Many dyslexia associations endorse the product as rote learning simply doesn’t work for the children they work with. Students, whose mother tongue isn’t English, have said that taking words off the page and animating them in this way is knocking down barriers as English is far from a phonetic language.

It is not solely for spelling, however. There are animations for homophones, spelling rules, letter strings, punctuation, grammar, parts of speech, prefixes, suffixes and the origin of words, as told by Lady Lexicographer (Susie Dent, a very famous UK TV celebrity who is basically the Queen of Words).

Etymology is very much in vogue. So, it applies to 11 to 16 year old children as well as 4 to 11 year olds.

Other subjects will follow, starting with Maths. The Times Tables, that were recently uploaded, are being extremely well-received, especially by students with dyscalculia as rote learning doesn’t work for them.

I think it’s amazing and is going to make a huge difference as it’s never been done before to this extent.

If you’d like a Zoom demo with the man himself, you can either message him on 0044 (0)7968 433675 or send an email to sirlinkalot@sirlinkalot.org, putting in the subject line ‘Louise Dawson’.

He will give you a trial code and tell you about the discount he offers if you refer another school to him.

As you will see in the attached promo clip, he is a high-octane one-off who is passionate about his subject. Children of all ages love him.

The children’s reactions in the first clip are priceless. You’ll also see a famous person at the end!

As you know, inclusion is at the top of my agenda and this resource is just the sort of thing I like to promote.

A genuine gamechanger!

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