Deliver a truly transformative program to your pupils with The Happy Confident Schools program.
With little to no training you can be up and running almost immediately.
The Happy Confident Company’s School Program delivers transformative change in student wellbeing and emotional literacy. Our company vision is to create a world where every child has a deep sense of self and belonging, enabling them to reach their full potential. Our preventative, life-transforming resources are proven to foster self-awareness, confidence, resilience, and emotional intelligence for children aged 3-14.
Our award-winning, transformative, PSED curriculum is delivered in only 5-10 minutes each day, blending seamlessly into even the busiest of curricula. Our partner schools access c1,000 ready-to-go lessons, furnishing students with an internal toolkit of social-emotional & character skills helping them flourish and thrive. With full notes and bite-sized onboarding videos, there is little to no teacher training required.
Partner schools see significant improvements in student behaviour, mental health, and learning outcomes, making it a standout initiative for emotional literacy in education. Quarterly results are impressive with participant schools reporting improved self-regulation, increased self-awareness, growth mindset, resilience, and compassion. Additionally, the program benefits teachers, promoting positive behaviours and reducing time spent on behaviour management.
The program comprises 4 areas of development that can be used independently, or as building blocks for ultimate development.
Each area has tools and resources for children of all ages and/or cognitive ability so students are able to grow with the program over time. Emotional intelligence is built through a variety of innovative tools, including FEELIT®, HCMtv, and journaling activities. These tools empowered students to articulate their emotions, develop emotional intelligence, and build resilience, all of which are crucial skills for navigating today’s complex world.
“By embedding the FEELIT® methodology throughout the school, students were better equipped to express emotions, reducing behavioural incidents and creating a calmer, more focused classroom environment. Teachers also appreciated the simplicity of the resources, which require minimal preparation allowing them to seamlessly integrate emotional literacy activities into their lessons.
The click-and-go nature allowed teachers to introduce emotional literacy activities into classrooms without the need for extensive training or preparation. This accessibility ensures that teachers can support their students’ emotional wellbeing effectively.
For students, the program fosters a supportive environment where they can express their emotions freely and develop emotional intelligence. Through emotional discussions and the use of FEELIT® resources, students better understand and articulate their feelings, fulfilling the vision of helping every child thrive with confidence and resilience.
Parents are actively informed about the program through a dedicated families hub which helps them understand its purpose and the positive impact it could have on their children’s emotional development. This engagement enables parents to further support their children’s emotional growth, working in partnership with the school’s efforts.
Nadim Saad, Founder
If you would like to discuss the program with Louise please email
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