Unmasking My Autism….Christine McGuinness

It has taken a few days to prepare myself to write this post.
Trying to keep it unemotional, but I have to say my emotional regulation is still rocking back and forth!

I was so excited to hear that Ms McGuinness was preparing a second documentary, after I watched the first entitled “Paddy and Christine: Our Family and Autism”. During this first documentary the parents took us on a their journey through the blessing and challenges of having children with Autism. If you haven’t see it I recommend that you do. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00122vl

I was not however, prepared for quite how the second documentary would impact me; yes I have first hand experience of Autism, lived experiences.

I (like many) have worked with thousands of young people identified with lots of differences such as Autism, ADHD, lots of different syndromes, lots of medical needs and lots more uncommon challenges. I (like many) advocate daily for, and will probably breath my last breath, fighting for people to understand themselves and to be understood.

I have been touched, on more than one occasion, by a young person feeling like they need to take their lives, and have experienced the absolute horror and trauma of people I know taking their life. I guess that sadly, it comes with the job and with life. But it doesn’t have to.

What this second documentary shows is just how important it is for us to be identifying people with Autism. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001k31t

– bullying
– isolation
– vulnerability for abuse especially sexual abuse
– disordered eating
– withdrawal
– depression
– to name a few

This is a short clip with a young lady, Leanne, who tells us of her traumatic journey and how correct identification changed her world. Autism is not a mental health disorder – unidentified Autism causes Mental Health challenges.

“What if you never show up to your own life!”

If you are a teacher – you OWE it to your students to be informed.
You can screen Autism through standardised data, you can screen with behaviours, you can screen in social situations.
Please become informed and save the life of our upcoming generations – or the person sat beside you.

Find someone in your school who is informed – I am not the only advocate in this city, or this country! There are hundreds of informed professionals, Ed Psychs, SENCos, Heads of Inclusion, Teachers, parents – everyone single one would help you to grow your knowledge. Reach out.

Information and Support

I apologise to those of you who do not have access to the BBC UK platform. As soon as it becomes more available on other platforms I will reshare.

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