Collaboration is key….

One of things that happens brilliantly in the UAE, is Inclusion Collaboration.

It is my experience, that leaders who provide support for children with additional needs all support each other.  Regardless of school, curriculum, language, or culture.

Many of us know each other as friends, others we know from network meetings or social media.  But the one thing I can guarantee is that whatever they need there is always someone ready to step up and support.

Leading inclusion is lonely.  We are often dealing with parents who are struggling with their journey or teachers who become frustrated, despite working so hard for our students.  We always seem to be asking for things and yet SENCos and Heads of Inclusion are a vital resource for everyone in the SEND community.

Helping each other is something we are very good at.  No question too big, small or silly.  
Children are at the center all the time. 

Today, I gratefully received the support from Beryl Huët at Emirates International School – Meadows!  Never too old, or experienced, to learn from others. Thank you!



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